The Right Trail is a growing and changing project representing a collaborative effort—please pardon our progress as we work to make the site the best it can be. We welcome your feedback, please contact us.

Q: There are frequently-used “unofficial” trails, why are they not included in the site?

A: Trails and lands managers contributed comprehensive information on every trail that they maintain and keep open for the public to The Right Trail. There are many reasons land managers discourage building and the use of unofficial trails—danger to trail users from incorrectly engineered trails, erosion, and threats to listed species, to name a few. Be aware that unmapped trails and private roads exist as you navigate maps from The Right Trail, and please respect the trail manager’s hard work to keep parks and natural areas beautiful and safe by sticking to trails shown in this site.

Q: What about private trails?

A: The Right Trail shows only public trails. Some private trails not shown in the site such as Starker Forests are identified in Resources. Where private roads and driveways connect to public trails, please respect our neighbors and keep on public trails at all times.

Q: What about future trails?

A: The Right Trail shows existing trails currently open to the public. Trails not yet built do not appear at this time. For information on the Corvallis to the Sea Trail, see Resources. For information about others trails in-the-making, see the websites of each trail operator at Partners.

Q: Why doesn’t the site show trails for dirt bike/ATV/other motorized uses?

A: The Right Trail provides information on multiuse trails with a focus on physical activity and non-motorized recreation. While trails for motorized uses are great, they are outside the scope of The Right Trail.

Q: I want to volunteer with those working on trail building/advocacy. Who should I contact?

A: Volunteer opportunities with many of our partners may be found on their web pages, under Partners.

Q: Does the site update to reflect current conditions?

A: While The Right Trail is updated on an ongoing basis, trail conditions can change quickly and may not be reflected in the website. Though site content was current and accurate at the time of publication to the best of our knowledge, we can offer no guarantee of its current accuracy. Contact the trail operator to verify current conditions if you have a concern.

Q: I have a question or comment about a specific trail, who should I contact?

A: Navigate to the detail page of the trail in question and click the link to contact the trail operator in the box at the upper right, or reach out to them through the information in Partners.

Q: How can I support further improvement of The Right Trail, including a Spanish-language version?

A: You can donate securely to the site here or through the link in the upper right hand corner of every page.